Instead, I am going to rant, rave and get ready!
Okay so I basically ranted above about the damn doctors. (Not ALL doctors....just the current one that my family is dealing with). My father's cancer has come back as I have blogged about. All the good news that we had heard that he would be able to be cancer free if he did a hormonal treatment is not the case now. We aren't sure what the final prognosis is because the doctor sent my father for more tests.
We should have found out the results last Tuesday when my dad went to the doctor. Then when they got there the doctor stated that he had been meaning to call my dad and send him for these extra tests. The doctor said that it would take 2 days to get one of the blood results back and which would have put the new results to be given by Friday of last week at the LATEST! So on Friday, my dad hadn't heard from the doctor's office so he called them. His doctor had gone on vacation and wouldn't be back until Wednesday of this week.
Well today is Thursday and I haven't heard anything yet. That means that my dad hasn't heard anything. I am chomping at the bits here.
It doesn't help that I had a bad dream last night about my dad. My nerves are a bit frazzled. UGHH.
So let me rave......My good friend and fellow blogger, J at Just Say it! has quit smoking! She is on day 6 of being cigarette free! How awesome is that? She is doing so good and I am so very proud of her. That is probably the reason she hasn't blogged lately....but I am hoping she does soon! HINT HINT.....Just sayin'!

Quitting smoking was one of the hardest things that I have done in my life. So I can honestly say that it sucks ass. I always tell people that when I quit smoking it was like a death of a really good nasty friend. I started smoking when I was 16 and I quit when I was 31.
When you quit You have to retrain yourself for EVERYTHING! Driving, talking on the phone, doing a chore, eating, and even listening to a song can strike the urge for a cig. It is a vicious cycle....and the first 2 weeks are the hardest! So totally worth all of the crankiness and bitchiness when you can finally not remember how many days you haven't had a cig or even the urge.
So stop by J's blog and give her some love and support that she deserves for quitting! (Maybe that would encourage her to write more....she is an awesome writer!)
Now on to my wishing......I found this Simple shoes website this morning and am in LOVE! I just need to save some pennies that I have lying around so I can get these black hemp shoes.....totally my style...just not the price!

And then I found these caramel hemp shoes.....ahh a girl can dream can't she?

1 comment:
Still no word?? WTF!?! Report this doctor!!! No doc dealing with cancer patients should have this kind of "bedside" manner -- he need give serious thought to a career change effective immediately!
Thanks much for the kudos! See above -- bitchiness is somewhat under control as long as I don't say or write more than oh, five words or so! LOL!!! Thank you again -- I feel honored to be mentioned and so very much appreciate your support!
Yay for shoes!!!!
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