This is my hundredth post. I have been trying to think of what to blog about and how I would like to honor this being number 100.
This wasn't really the post I wanted to post today but it is one that has become pretty damn important. Now I don't cuss on this blog except for now. (I do use wonderfully vibrant cuss words in my real world, so I figured I would save my sailor mouth and not attack you with it're welcome!)
*If you are offended by what I am about to say or the words I am probably going to pepper it with then please move on today. I will be back with a cheery post tomorrow.....but today well it is too damn important not to talk about.*
Yesterday we took an opportunity to attend a Tea Party in a smaller Texas town not so far from our big city. I wanted to go to the smaller town so that we could bring our red-headed son with us.
Before we had left the house I had signs made up for us. I had this one for the kid.
(Now before anyone goes off on taking my 7 year old to a protest....let me tell you just to fuck off. This is my child and when you have a child of your own you can decide what you will and will not take said child to. )
We talked to our child about what we were going to go and do and asked him if he would like to go with us. We explained that this was a privelege that we get to exercise being an American citizen. "This is an awesome day!", I told him. He was excited to go and hold his sign (for at least 1/2 the time).
The protest was held across the street from the local post office.
I can tell you the lump I had in my throat as we walked up and saw the hundred's of people that were standing with signs and showing their peaceful but strong protest against the runaway government spending (Republican and Democrat). All across America people were making a statement to the Government that we need change but not change that will hurt our grandchildren. Not change that will let these big corporations rape the American people and it be okay. Not change that won't let our small businesses thrive but instead make it impossible to have a business.
Finally, people were stepping out of their houses and standing together and making our voices heard. Some even were stepping out in Boston Tea Party era garb.
It was an amazing site to see. At one point a speaker led a prayer for our governmental officials. It was a very peaceful gathering. I was all like......"Yay, look at us. Look at us peacefully protesting. This has to make a difference. They have to listen to us."
Or at least that is what I was thinking until I came home later that night and posted on a forum that I regularly read and asked if anyone had attended a Tea Party in their area. I was met with complete misunderstanding of what it was all about. Even what the news was reporting was misunderstanding the reasons. They were making it out to be that we just don't want to pay taxes. Some of the comments have my blood boiling even now. One person even commented "i like roads and having my trash picked up and police officers and that poor people can eat (sometimes) and children having healthcare and libraries and medical research....."
Ummmm....well I do too. Who stated anything different? I pay my taxes regularly. I also know that the taxes that takes care of all of those things are the state taxes. It really has nothing to do with why we were protesting. Who would protest that?
People were also saying this was all about Race and Obama....ummm.....nope. Not that either! Bush had a HUGE hand in this. Obama is trying to clean up his predecessor's mess. But all these bail outs were passed way too quickly. This is going to affect generations to come.
Sometimes you have to just let these companies fail. If the corporation is too big to fail, there is something wrong. Everything can fail. That doesn't mean that our grandchildren should have to pay for the greed of these fat cat bankers and executives.
Then I came across this reporter on CNN that takes the fucking cake.....seriously....the fucking cake!
I don't watch the news often. I don't read the newspapers unless there is a sale going on and I wanna get the coupons. I take on all the bad and can't shake it off. I don't believe that our airwaves are going to be non-biased. Someone owns them and gets to decide what gets played on the air and how it is going to be presented. I mean look above. Is that really how reporters are supposed to report? She didn't even let anyone finish their sentence. Just amazing!
I guess I am just amazed at how many people attended yesterday in many cities and small towns yesterday and how it was (or wasn't in many cases) reported. I am amazed that even though there were thousands in Houston and thousands in many other cities, not more people attended.
Why hasn't everyone gotten fed up?
Why we didn't do this during Bush's term, you might ask? My first thought was that it has taken time to get to this place but also.....he scared the shit out of me. If you protested you could be taken out back and shot when Bush was President......okay maybe not but are you fucking kidding me?
I guess that is one great thing about Obama being President. I feel that I am safe and can actually protest and not fear being arrested and marked as a terrorist. Pretty cool if you ask me. You can tell there is already a different tone to the current Presidency.
Oh and then the day ended with hearing it be called "Teabagging". And then I cried a little. Seriously.....teabagging?
100th post and I end up with "teabagging".
In Which She Writes Promises Her Blog Can't Cash
2 years ago
I already told you how to solve this but you didn't like it . . .
Hold the corp "fat cats" and the "bankers/investment firms/financiers" accountable for their mismanagement of the business entity, take the fucking money that they've made of doing it and make them personally bail the business out. If they can't bail the business out, then their illgotten gains should go into the employee benefit plans so the working class doesn't get screwed again, and LET THE BUSINESS FAIL!!! Geez. This is not rocket science . . .
Ahh now Phoenix....I didn't say I didn't like it. :)
I agree with you that sometimes failure should be allowed to fail.
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