Lately, we have been bombarded with crap television when the red-headed child has the remote. He is 7, so his favorite shows right now are mind-numbing crap.
The other day the
hubster and I were talking about shows that we used to love as kids and how we wished that they were still showing.....well guess what.....they are!
Hubster went and started recording
The Brady Bunch this weekend for the red-headed child to see (and us too!).

I mentioned to the hubs that I was afraid that the red-headed child would want a big family and have a bunch of brothers and sisters (or at least one that lives with him) from watching the show. Since that isn't going to happen I wanted to make sure that this wasn't a concern for him and sent
hubster to talk to him (ya know father to son). He had been asking for a brother or sister not so long ago.....

I mean, who wouldn't want a big family as a child that doesn't have another brother or sister living in the house with him? I think I would as an "only" child. Just think of all the stuff you could do and blame on your siblings.....
Of course not, not my child, he isn't concerned about having another brother or, not him. My child wanted to know how he could get an "Alice" and how much would she cost!?!

I guess I should be pleased that he doesn't think that I am his "Alice". His wife on the other out!
Next up is
Gilligan's Island.....

I can't wait to introduce this to the kid this summer. I believe there will be lots of laughs and I can't wait to hear him ask the first time why everyone else that comes on the island is able to leave but not Gilligan and his friends.
I can't wait to hear him learn the catchy
intros to the shows......
ahhh good times!
What old shows are you fond of and want to watch again?