Friday, February 27, 2009
unwanted drama
Sorry for not posting. I am going to make a huge effort to change my posting habits and post daily.
Just in the last hour I have found out that my dad's cancer is officially back. Now they just have to pinpoint the exact location of it and then they will treat it aggressively. Good news is that they have not given him a death sentence as they did in the beginning last time.
The doctor that he is seeing has also seen other men my father's age that were in Vietnam (as was my dad) that have the same kind of cancer. It is proven that prostate cancer is one of the affects of Agent Orange that they were exposed to in Vietnam. This is a good thing for my father. It will help him with the medical bills in the long run.
Next, my brother is having a rough time. It pains me to think of him hurting. His marriage may be crumbling and his whole world is turning upside down right now. He is thinking of joining the Army. I am not ready for him to join the Army. None of us are.
Wow....I think I will sleep on all of this.
Monday, February 23, 2009
When I am old...
We did so many things like go to a Mardi Gras parade and then we had to count all of those beads that the kiddo got. (Which I quit counting after 100.)
When I am at our grandmother's house I love to look at all of her books. She has the most amazing collection of any kind of book you could think of. One of the books called out my name as I was perusing a certain shelf. I picked up the book titled: When I am old I shall wear purple, by Sandra Martz.
Just the title got me going. When I was in high school I had this teacher that wore all purple. Not just one color of the shade at a time. NO, she had to wear all different shades at the same time. I admired that about her. She didn't go with the norm and she made her own style.
I always joked that when I turned 30 (cause when you are 18 - 30 looks soooooo far away!) I would dye my hair black and drive a black car and wear all black clothes. And when I hit 40, I would dye my hair red and trade that black car in for a red one and wear all red clothes. And at 50 I might go with brown. At 60 I would go for white and 70 would be blue. Seriously.....
The first page of the book was a poem by Jenny Joseph that I would like to share with you.
"Warning, When I am an old woman I shall wear purple. "
When I am an old woman I shall wear purple
With a red hat which doesn't go, and doesn't suit me.
And I shall spend my pension on brandy and summer gloves
And satin sandals, and say we've no money for butter.
I shall sit down on the pavement when I'm tired
And gobble up samples in shops and press alarm bells
And run my stick along the public railings
And make up for the sobriety of my youth.
I shall go out in my slippers in the rain
And pick the flowers in other people's gardens
And learn to spit.
You can wear terrible shirts and grow more fat
And eat three pounds of sausages at a go
Or only bread and pickle for a week
And hoard pens and pencils and beermats and things in boxes.
But now we must have clothes that keep us dry
And pay our rent and not swear in the street
And set a good example for the children.
We must have friends to dinner and read the papers.
But maybe I ought to practice a little now?
So people who know me are not too shocked and surprised
When suddenly I am old, and start to wear purple.
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Monday, February 16, 2009
ABC's of my world
It was a perfect time with my husband. We had an absolute blast! We drove to Austin in a nice ride just the two of us. We stayed a great hotel that had the BEST breakfast evah! We had a suite and it came with chocolate covered strawberries, white chocoate swans with blueberries, champagne, and heart shaped brownies. I was in HEAVEN!
We went to 6th street in Austin and went to Woodrow's and I had the best Blue Moon beer(s) with a ton of oranges. They were heavenly.
Then we got all gussied up and went to dinner at the Oasis. It is a great restaurant overlooking Lake Travis. We got a table immediately. I was super impressed.
We shared a wonderful evening together and woke up the next morning ready to get home to see our son. Man did we miss that kid! He was the topic of many of our conversations.
B - would be for the Ball of Fire we saw shoot through the sky yesterday on the way out of town.
We stopped to get gas and while the pump was pumping we were sitting in the car staring off into space. We saw something that was beyond cool. Here is a video that someone got of it. The video doesn't do it justice. It burned for a very long time as it came through the atmosphere. It also made CNN.
"The Federal Aviation Administration has reported to local law enforcement that these events are being caused by falling satellite debris," the service said Friday. "These pieces of debris have been causing sonic booms, resulting in the vibrations being felt by some residents, as well as flashes of light across the sky. The cloud of debris is likely the result of the recent in-orbit collision of two satellites on Tuesday February 10, when Kosmos 2251 crashed into Iridium 33."
C - would be for Cancer.
I have mega HATE for the "C" word! Major hate!
My father just found out that after 10 years it has returned. I am not even ready to deal with this again. I know he isn't either. None of us are. We are all so numb. I can't even think about it. I can't even speak about it.
I have to put all my thoughts together and suck it up and get it together so that I can help my family through this. Again.
Apricot seeds here we come and maybe some shark cartlidge too. We will fight this beast and win....Again!
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Friday, February 13, 2009
update on the "cool car"
I will be enjoying taking over the wheel this weekend.
Adios internet friends.....see you Sunday night!
Anniversary Gifts
We have already exchanged gifts. I just have to share one of the gifts that I received. It is too good not to share.
Hubster made me play the guessing game.
H: Guess what it is.
Me: (completely joking) Ummmmm a new ass? (I have the flattest one in Texas....I swear!)
H: Are you serious? The first guess?
Here is what I got.....

I got a new bigger improved butt!!!!
He told me that he had to add something else to get better shipping on my real gift. He came across "the ass" and thought what better gift to get a girl that has no backside.
I got him sorta what he asked for. I got him a little something extra too.....a ear, nose and brow trimmer!
He is going to have no nose hairs and I will have a bigger butt!
I tried it on last night and started shaking my new ass and singing "Baby Got Back".
I should not take up singing for a career!
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Cool car?

We picked the choice of "cool car" and went through the entire reservation process. We were all excited thinking we were going to get a "cool car". Hubster got the confirmation email and immediately grabbed the phone to call said rental car place to verify the "cool car" status. The only reason he thought it would be better to ask now instead of when we picked it up was because on the email confirmation there wasn't a picture of a "cool car". It was a picture of a Cargo Van....

The conversation that ensued had me rolling on the ground laughing hysterically. I could only hear my hubster's side of it all....but still.
H: "No sir, I do not think that a Cargo van is a "cool car"."
H: "Sir, do you think that a cargo van is a "cool car"?"
H: "Can you please just cancel our reservation?"
I mean....I guess we could have a blast in it. Our own little party van driving around in the hill country for the weekend. We could stop anytime we wanted and party.
Don't come a knockin' if the van is rockin'!
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Friday, February 6, 2009
Wait. That is not true.
I want to go sit in my big oversized chair and watch my shows from last night that I promised the hubster I wouldn't watch around him.
He thinks Grey's Anatomy is written by a woman for women and the men on the show talk just like women. Eh, I can't say I don't see it sometimes....but I am hooked.
Shh...don't tell him.
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Quote of the day
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Here is a secret for ya....
Yes I said bushy brows. See below:
Every time....let me repeat.....EVERY TIME I go to a nail salon or to get my boys' haircut I always get asked if I want my brows done. Each time I politely say no. And each time they ask again as they can't believe I would want busy brows. I then kindly tell them that I don't care if I could braid them and I don't want them touched, plucked or waxed. Thank you very kindly.
Hubster thought I was joking a few years ago until I started going with him and the kiddo to get their hair cut. After they asked me a few times, while he was sitting in the chair getting his haircut they started asking him if he could talk me into it because per their words....her brows are baaaad.
My mother back in the day plucked her brows and penciled them in. I watched her do this for YEARS and she still does. Now while I think she looks great, it was something that I never wanted to do. I have actually had my brows done the first couple of times that the salon ladies gave me a hard time until I realized that the mole I have above my right eye was REALLY noticeable. To be honest, I didn't even know I had it until I had my brows waxed for the first time. After the waxing, the mole was the ONLY thing I could see. It isn't noticeable with the bushy brow.
So there you have it! That is my bushy little secret.